Role in Ravensworth: owner Parcel 1.1

Henry was the second child born to William Fitzhugh (the Immigrant) and Sarah (Tucker) Fitzhugh. A minor when his father died in 1701, his older brother, William, Jr., assumed responsibility for Henry’s affairs and inherited property until his 18th birthday.1

In 1718, Henry married Susanna Cooke (1693-1749), daughter of Mordecai Cooke of Gloucester County; together they had nine children:

  • William Fitzhugh (1719-1719)
  • Anne Fitzhugh (1721-1789), married Reverend Robert Rose of Essex
  • Henry Fitzhugh (Colonel) (1723-1783)
  • Thomas Fitzhugh (1725-1768)
  • John Fitzhugh (1727-1809)
  • Sarah Fitzhugh (1729) died in infancy
  • William Fitzhugh (1729-1785)
  • Susannah Fitzhugh (1731-1795), married Anthony Thornton, II2
  • Elizabeth Fitzhugh (1736-?)

Like his father and older brother, William, Jr., Henry represented Stafford County in the Virginia House of Burgesses (1736). And like his brother he served for a time as Stafford’s high sheriff. His military title of Captain reflected his rank in the county militia, which enforced law and order and provided defense during periods of Native American hostilities.3

The title “Captain” is used today to differentiate him from his son, Henry Fitzhugh (Colonel), and other Fitzhughs also named Henry. In the same vein, he is sometimes referred to as Henry Fitzhugh of Bedford, Bedford being his residence plantation.

Henry’s half share of Ravensworth (approximately 11,000 acres) was one of three parcels of land totaling 17,000 acres, including Bedford Plantation, that he inherited after his father’s death in 1701. In turn, he bequeathed the Ravensworth tract to his oldest son, Henry Fitzhugh (Colonel).


  1. Provision of William Fitzhugh (the Immigrant)’s will, for abstract see page 276 in The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol 7 (1900) (Virginia Historical Society) (Google Books). ↩
  2. Information about Susannah Fitzhugh provided by descendant Grace Turner Karish in email dated April 18, 2013. ↩
  3. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol 7 (1900) (Virginia Historical Society), p. 318 (Google Books); Maddy McCoy, “Genealogical Research for Fairfax County, Virginia Slavery Inventory Database,” Slavery Inventory Database, LLC,, (Unpublished manuscript, 2009). ↩