Parcel 1.1 (north half of Ravensworth)
Chain of Ownership and Division
This parcel is the north half of Ravensworth (Parcel 1.0), which Henry Fitzhugh (Captain) inherited following the death of William Fitzhugh (the Immigrant) in 1701. His father’s will instructed that the landgrant be divided equally between Henry and his brother, William Fitzhugh, Jr. Braddock Road is the approximate dividing line.
Henry probably received his inherited land about 1704, after his 18th birthday. His father’s will specified that the property be placed into the care of his older brother William until Henry should reach age 18.
How the land was used before 1750 is not known for certain. However, it’s reasonable to assume that Henry Fitzhugh (Captain) continued his father’s efforts to develop and earn income from the land by leasing to tenants and by producing tobacco and perhaps other crops with slaves and overseers.
One of the first colonial government tobacco warehouses, established in 1732 on the Potomac River, was located on Pohick Bay near the original Ravensworth landgrant’s southern border – evidence that a quantity of tobacco likely was being produced there by that time. Rolling Road provides a route originating at Braddock Road through Ravensworth to the Pohick warehouse. Though it’s not known when the road was built, it was cited in a 1796 deed as an existing boundary landmark.1 See Roads Circa 1800
In 1742 Fairfax County split off from Prince William County. Starting in 1750, the Fairfax County Court’s earliest surviving official land records show an active program of leasing to tenants in Parcel 1.1.
After Henry Fitzhugh (Captain) died in 1758, Henry Fitzhugh (Colonel) inherited Parcel 1.1 and continued leasing to tenants. See:
Division of Parcel 1.1.
When Henry Fitzhugh (Colonel) died in 1783, his will provided that parcel 1.1 be divided among his five youngest sons – Nicholas, Richard, Mordecai, Battaile and Giles.2
- See 2nd Partition
Parcel 1.1 Chain of Ownership Documents
Doc. | Date | Grantor | Grantee | Parcel | Transaction |
will | 1701 | William Fitzhugh (the Immigrant) | Henry (Captain) & William (Jr.) Fitzhugh | 1.1 & 1.2 | Division of parcel 1.0 into equal shares bequeathed to his two oldest sons. |
1758 | Henry Fitzhugh (Captain) | Henry Fitzhugh (Colonel) | 1.1 | Land passed undivided to the oldest living son. | |
A2:186 | 7/11/1797 | Court | Nicholas, Richard, Mordecai, Battaile & Giles Fitzhugh | 1.1.1 - 1.1.7 | Survey (1792) and plat for divison of parcel 1.1 into seven parcels bequeathed to these five youngest sons of Henry Fitzhugh (Colonel) (died 1783) |
- Deed Z1:238, 11/6/1796, lease from William Fitzhugh (of Chatham) to Jane Williamson. ↩
- For an abstract of William Fitzhugh’s will, see page 276 in The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol 7; (1900) (Virginia Historical Society) (Google Books). ↩